Traveling tips for Argentina – what you should know before a trip to Argentina

Argentina has a unique combination of lively culture, breathtaking scenery, and a wide variety of gastronomic pleasures, making travel planning there a fascinating and fulfilling experience. There are a few important factors to take into account to guarantee a seamless and pleasurable trip, regardless of your level of experience. Having a comprehensive awareness of local traditions and safety rules, together with budget-friendly travel suggestions, may greatly impact your trip preparation.

In this article, we provide comprehensive traveling tips for Argentina, covering essential information that every tourist should know before embarking on their adventure. You will find practical advice on navigating the country’s public transportation system, finding affordable accommodations, and making the most of Argentina’s unique culinary offerings.

We also address safety concerns and offer insights into some of Argentina’s must-visit destinations, ensuring that you have a memorable and hassle-free experience. Our guide aims to equip you with the knowledge and tips necessary to make the most of your time in Argentina.

Tips for budget-friendly travel

Traveling to Argentina on a budget can be a rewarding experience with the right planning. Here are some tips to help you save money while enjoying your trip:

  1. Use Public Transportation: Argentina’s public transport system, including buses and the subway, is affordable and efficient, especially in Buenos Aires.
  2. Accommodation: Consider staying in hostels, guesthouses, or renting an apartment through services like Airbnb. Booking in advance can often secure better rates.
  3. Eat Like a Local: Opt for local eateries rather than tourist spots. Street food and markets can offer delicious food at lower prices.
  4. Avoid Peak Season: Traveling during the off-peak season (outside of December to February) can result in cheaper accommodation and flights.
  5. Free Activities: Explore free attractions such as walking tours, parks, and some museums that offer free entry on certain days.
  6. Domestic Flights: Book domestic flights early as prices can rise closer to the date. Consider long-distance buses as an alternative for cheaper travel.
  7. Travel Insurance: Don’t forget to purchase travel insurance. It can save you money in the event of unexpected medical issues or travel disruptions.

What do I need to enter Argentina as a tourist?

To enter Argentina as a tourist, you will need the following:

  • Passport Validity: Your passport must be valid at the time of entry.
  • Blank Passport Pages: At least one page is required for the entry stamp.
  • Tourist Visa: Not required for stays of up to 90 days, unless you are traveling on an emergency passport.
  • Vaccinations: None are required for entry.
  • Currency Restrictions for Entry: Up to USD 10,000 or equivalent undeclared for those over age 16; up to $5,000 USD or equivalent undeclared for those under 16.
  • Currency Restrictions for Exit: Similar to the entry restrictions.

Is US dollar accepted in Argentina?

Yes, US dollars are widely accepted in Argentina, especially in popular tourist areas and major cities. However, it’s important to note that while some restaurants and shops may accept dollars, it is not the norm. Cash is generally preferred, and you may need to exchange your dollars for Argentine pesos to make purchases. It’s also worth mentioning that due to the country’s economic situation, there’s a significant informal exchange market known as the “mercado azul” or blue market, where the exchange rates can be different from the official ones.

Keep in mind that carrying some local currency (Argentine pesos) is advisable for smaller purchases and in places that may not accept US dollars.

Is it safe to travel to Argentina right now?

Argentina is generally considered safe for tourists. The U.S. Department of State has issued a Level 1: Exercise Normal Precautions travel advisory for Argentina, indicating that travelers should follow standard safety procedures. However, there are specific areas where increased caution is advised:

  • City of Rosario (Santa Fe province): Due to crime, it’s recommended to exercise increased caution in this area.
  • Greater Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires: Visitors should exercise a high degree of caution due to crime, including petty crime and muggings.

It’s important to stay vigilant, especially against petty theft like pickpocketing and bag snatching, which are common in crowded areas. Always keep your belongings secure and be cautious when approached by strangers.

How much money can you bring into Argentina?

When entering Argentina, travelers who are 16 years and over may import up to $10,000 USD or its equivalent in other foreign currencies without declaring it to the customs authorities. Any amount exceeding this limit must be declared. Travelers under 16 years may import up to $5,000 USD or its equivalent in other foreign currencies. It’s important to adhere to these regulations to avoid any issues upon arrival.

How much does an Argentina visa cost?

The cost of an Argentina visa can vary depending on the type of visa and where you apply. For a tourist visa, the consular fee is generally 150 US dollars. Remember, the fee must be paid in the local currency of the representation where you are applying.

What are some must-visit places in Argentina?

Argentina is a vibrant country with a rich tapestry of natural wonders and cultural sites. Here are some must-visit places:

  1. Buenos Aires: Known as the “Paris of South America,” it’s famous for its tango, vibrant nightlife, and historical neighborhoods like La Boca and San Telmo.
  2. Bariloche: Located in the heart of the Lake District, it offers stunning landscapes with opportunities for adventure sports and relaxation.
  3. El Calafate: The gateway to the incredible glaciers of Patagonia, including the renowned Perito Moreno Glacier.
  4. Ushuaia: The southernmost city in the world, it’s the starting point for many Antarctic cruises and close to Tierra del Fuego National Park.
  5. Mendoza: Argentina’s wine country, perfect for tasting some of the best Malbecs and exploring vineyards against the backdrop of the Andes.
  6. Salta: In the northwest, it’s known for its colonial architecture, vibrant indigenous cultures, and stunning nearby landscapes like the Hill of Seven Colors.

These destinations offer a glimpse into the diverse experiences that Argentina has to offer, from urban exploration to natural beauty.

How can I find local tours or experiences?

To find local tours or experiences in Argentina, you can explore several online platforms that specialize in connecting travelers with local guides and unique activities. Here are a couple of options:

  1. ToursByLocals offers private tours with local guides tailored to your interests. You can customize your itinerary and choose from a variety of experiences to discover Argentina in a personal and authentic way.
  2. Withlocals provides a range of private tours and experiences led by locals, from food tours to city highlights and personalized adventures. Each tour is private and personalized, ensuring a unique experience away from the crowds

Must-try dishes and drinks

When visiting Argentina, there are several must-try dishes and drinks that you should not miss. Here’s a list of some of the most iconic Argentinian culinary delights:


  • Asado: The quintessential Argentinian barbecue, featuring a variety of meats such as tenderloin and sirloin, seasoned with salt and pepper.
  • Empanadas: Pastry pockets filled with minced beef, pork, chicken, or ham, along with cheese and vegetables, seasoned with spices like chili, salt, and cumin.
  • Provoleta: A dish for cheese lovers, made with provolone cheese melted over heat until gooey inside and crispy outside, often seasoned with oregano and red pepper.
  • Humita en chala: A savory snack made of creamed corn, onion, spices, and goat cheese, wrapped in corn husks and steamed or boiled.


  • Yerba Mate: A traditional caffeinated drink made from the leaves of the yerba mate plant, often shared among friends.
  • Malbec Wine: Argentina is famous for its Malbec wine, particularly from the Mendoza region, known for its rich, dark fruit flavors and smooth finish.
  • Fernet con Coca: A popular cocktail in Argentina, made with Fernet, an aromatic spirit, mixed with Coca-Cola.

These are just a few examples of the rich culinary traditions you’ll find in Argentina. Be sure to explore local markets and restaurants to discover even more delicious foods and beverages.

Health considerations and vaccinations

It is crucial to think about immunizations and health measures while making travel plans to Argentina in order to guarantee a safe trip. The following are important things to remember:

  1. Routine Vaccinations: Make sure you are up-to-date on routine vaccines before your trip. These may include vaccines for chickenpox, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, flu, measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), polio, and shingles.
  2. COVID-19: All eligible travelers should be up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines.
  3. Hepatitis A: Recommended for unvaccinated travelers one year old or older going to Argentina.
  4. Hepatitis B: Recommended for unvaccinated travelers younger than 60 years old traveling to Argentina.
  5. Yellow Fever: There’s a risk of yellow fever in certain parts of Argentina. Vaccination might be recommended depending on your itinerary.
  6. Dengue: Dengue is a risk in many parts of Central and South America, including Argentina. Protect yourself by preventing mosquito bites.
  7. Zika Virus: Considered a risk in Argentina. If you’re pregnant, discuss travel plans with your doctor


Cost of accommodation

Depending on the kind of property, the area, and the season, the price of lodging in Argentina can vary significantly. Here’s a rough notion of what to anticipate:

  • Average Cost: For a typical double-occupancy hotel room, the average cost is about $6.56 per night.
  • Budget Options: If you’re looking for more affordable options, hostels and budget hotels can offer lower prices, sometimes as low as $3.28 per person per night.
  • Mid-Range: For mid-range hotels or B&Bs, prices can average around $90 to $100 per night.
  • Luxury Accommodations: On the higher end, such as a stay at the Hilton Buenos Aires, prices can range from $200 to $450 per night.

We hope these tips help you have an unforgettable trip to Argentina. Bookmark this website for more travel insights, and feel free to leave any questions you have in the comments. If you found this article helpful, please share it with others who might benefit from it. Safe travels!

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