Traveling tips for Togo – what you should know before a trip to Togo

It’s necessary to have the right guidance and knowledge before setting off on your vacation in order to guarantee a trouble-free and pleasurable travel experience. There are a number of things to take into account, ranging from vaccination schedules and safety measures to passport and visa requirements. You can travel the nation with confidence if you are familiar with the traditions, money, and cuisine of the area.

We’ll go over all you need to know in this post to ensure that your vacation to Togo is unforgettable ². Togo has a special combination of scenic beauty, a vibrant culture, and thrilling adventures that are waiting for you whether you are an experienced traveler or this is your first time visiting.

Let’s explore the key tips and insights to help you get the most out of your vacation to Togo. You might discover the undiscovered beauties of this West African country with proper planning and preparation. So let’s get out and explore Togo’s treasures!

What should I know before traveling to Togo?

Before traveling to Togo, here are some important tips and information to consider:

  1. Passport & Visa: Ensure your passport is valid at the time of entry. A tourist visa is required for most travelers.
  2. Vaccinations: Yellow Fever vaccination is required. As of the latest update, Togo no longer requires COVID-19 related documentation for entry or exit.
  3. Safety: Exercise normal precautions but be aware of areas with increased risk. The U.S. Department of State advises against travel within 5km of the border with Burkina Faso due to security concerns.
  4. Currency Restrictions: There are currency restrictions for both entry and exit, with amounts over $10,000 needing to be declared.
  5. Travel Insurance: Make sure your travel insurance is valid and covers your itinerary and planned activities. It should also provide coverage for emergencies.
  6. Local Laws & Customs: Familiarize yourself with local laws and customs to avoid any legal issues.
  7. Emergency Numbers: Know the numbers for emergency services: 117 for police and 118 for the fire brigade in Togo.
  8. Security: Always inform someone about your travel plans, avoid walking alone after dark, and use hotel safes for valuables

What should I bring to Togo?

When packing for Togo, consider the following essentials:

  1. Health Supplies: Pack any prescription medicines, a travelers’ diarrhea antibiotic, and a suture/syringe kit (with a letter from your doctor). Also, include over-the-counter medicines like antacids, diarrhea medicine, antihistamines, and pain relievers.
  2. Prevention Items: Bring hand sanitizer, water purification tablets (if visiting remote areas), insect repellent, sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat for sun protection.
  3. Personal Safety Equipment: Depending on your activities, pack items like child safety seats or bicycle helmets, and always have a first-aid kit handy.

What documents do I need to travel to Togo?

For documents needed to travel to Togo:

  • Passport: Valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay.
  • Visa: Required for most travelers; apply in advance.
  • Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate: Mandatory for entry.
  • Proof of Accommodation: Hotel reservation or letter of invitation.
  • Financial Proof: To show you can support your stay.
  • Travel Itinerary: Outlining your planned activities

What are 10 facts about Togo?

Here are 10 interesting facts about Togo:

  1. Togo is a narrow country with a coastline on the Gulf of Guinea.
  2. It was once known as the “The Slave Coast” due to its role in the Atlantic slave trade.
  3. The name ‘Togo’ comes from the Ewe words “to” (river) and “godo” (on the other side).
  4. Togo was a German protectorate before becoming a French colony.
  5. It gained independence from France in 1960.
  6. Togo’s first president, Sylvanus Olympio, was assassinated in 1963.
  7. The country has been led by the same family for most of its post-independence history.
  8. The flag of Togo features three green stripes, two yellow stripes, and a red square with a white star.
  9. Lomé, the capital city, is known for its beauty and was once called the ‘Paris of West Africa’.
  10. Togo has over 40 different ethnic groups, each with its own traditions and languages

Visa and Entry Requirements

1. Visa-Free Nationals

Travelers from certain countries enjoy visa-free access to Togo for short stays. However, it’s essential to check the latest regulations before traveling.

2. Visa on Arrival

For those requiring a visa, Togo offers a convenient visa-on-arrival option at major entry points. The process is straightforward, requiring valid travel documents and payment of fees.

3. Visa Application Process

Alternatively, travelers can apply for a visa in advance through Togolese embassies or consulates in their home countries. The application process typically involves submitting required documents and attending an interview.

What should I wear to Togo?

When visiting Togo, it’s important to dress appropriately for the climate and cultural norms:

  • Climate: Togo has a tropical climate, so lightweight, breathable clothing is ideal. Consider packing clothes made of cotton or linen.
  • Cultural Norms: Modesty is valued in Togolese culture. Avoid overly revealing or tight-fitting clothing.
  • Traditional Wear: For special occasions, you might encounter traditional attire like the ‘boubou’, a long, flowing robe, or ‘kente’, a colorful hand-woven fabric

What currency does Togo use?

The currency used in Togo is the West African CFA franc (XOF). It’s a good idea to have some local currency on hand for small purchases, as credit card acceptance may be limited, especially outside of major cities.

What kind of food do they eat in Togo?

Togolese cuisine is rich and varied, with a few dishes standing out as particularly popular:

  • Akoume or La Pâte: Often considered the base of Togolese cuisine, this is a dough made from millet and corn or fermented flour, typically served with various sauces.
  • Fufu: A staple paste made from yam, cassava, or plantains, usually accompanied by a clear or peanut sauce with fish, beef, or chicken.
  • Ayimolou: A simple yet beloved dish of rice and beans cooked together, usually topped with a tomato sauce.

These dishes reflect the agricultural richness of Togo and are a must-try for any visitor looking to experience the local culture through its cuisine.

Currency and Money matter

  1. Currency Exchange Tips: The official currency of Togo is the West African CFA franc (XOF). Currency exchange is widely available at banks, hotels, and exchange bureaus, offering competitive rates.
  2. Banking and ATMs: Major cities in Togo are equipped with ATMs that accept international cards, providing convenient access to cash. However, it’s advisable to carry sufficient cash in rural areas where ATMs may be scarce.
  3. Tipping Customs: Tipping is not obligatory in Togo but is appreciated for exceptional service. A gratuity of 5-10% is customary in restaurants, while small tips for porters and guides are also welcome.


How much is a visa for Togo?

The cost of a visa for Togo varies depending on the type and duration of the visa:

  • Visa on Arrival: Approximately $30
  • 30-day single-entry visa: Approximately $70
  • 90-day single-entry visa: Approximately $97
  • 30-day multiple-entry visa: Approximately $85
  • 90-day multiple-entry visa: Approximately $110

If you’re planning a trip to Togo, bookmark our website for more travel tips and insights. Leave a comment below if you have any questions or need further guidance. Share this article with fellow travelers and adventure-seekers to help them discover the wonders of Togo

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