Best places to visit in Seychelles 2024| Tourist Attraction Centers

Are you a tourist enthusiast? Do you like exploring islands and nature? Are you planning a getaway with friends or you are looking for a nice honeymoon destination? Then, Seychelles is the best decision for you. Tourism is the most important nongovernmental sector of Seychelles’ economy. Almost 15 percent of the official workforce is directly employed in tourism, and employment in construction, banking, transportation, and other activities is closely tied to the tourist industry. Tourists who visit Seychelles enjoy the Seychelles’ coral beaches and opportunities for water sports. Wildlife in the archipelago is also a major attraction in the country.

A visit to Seychelles could offer endless pleasant memories to reminisce about. Beautiful scenery to view, beautiful beaches on most of the islands, and many interesting water sports to engage in.

In this article, we will give you a list of the best places to visit in Seychelles that can help you plan your holiday and make it worth your while.

List of best places to visit in Seychelles:

Seychelles is one of the best tourist destinations. It has a  high infrastructure rate and its natural islands are the best attraction site to view. Although a journey to this place in Africa is quite expensive, the quality of traveling is exceptionally high. If you are planning for a honeymoon or you are simply a diving enthusiast, you must consider a stop at any of the tourist sites in Seychelles. This is also the place for sailors, gamblers, and various sports. Seychelles is located four degrees south of the equator and situated on the 4000,000 square kilometers of the Indian Ocean. This place is filled with natural beauty, man-made attractions, and ancient wonders.

Below is the list of the best tourist sites in Seychelles:

1. Mahe Island:

The Mahe island is one of the best tourist attraction centers in Seychelles. It is located in Seychelles, Victoria city. Mahe Island is best for sightseeing, sunbathing, and photography. It is the largest island of the archipelago and one of the most popular places to visit in Seychelles, Mahé boasts of verdant forests, and Mahe is the highest mountain range of Seychelles with more than 65 beaches with a vast diversity of flora and fauna. The island is also known for the Beau Vallon beach and the numerous tourist attractions of Victoria City – one of the tiniest capital cities of the world.


2. La Digue Island:

This is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Seychelles. The boutique island is known for the granite boulders that adorn the stunning beaches, such as Anse Source D’Argent. This boutique island is best for wildlife, taking a walk, sightseeing, and taking photographs. It offers authentic island-style accommodations and traditional modes of transport, such as ox-carts and bicycles.

3. Curieuse Island:

Curieuse Island is also among the outstanding and attractive relaxation spots in Seychelles. A short walk from Praslin Island through the tropical ambiance will help you reach one of the most scenic islands of Seychelles which is called Curieuse Island. The curieuse island is spread in a 3 square km area. It is also, one of the nation’s Inner Islands, Curieuse Island is known for its red earth, unlike other beautiful beaches that have white earth, and is a bio-reserve. The Marine Parks Authority of Seychelles manages this island. The island is also known for being a cultural icon of the island nation and a place where you can easily find the Coco de Mer palms.

4. Beau Vallon Beach:

Beau Vallon Beach is one of the most popular beaches in the Seychelles and can easily be recommended as one of the attractive tourist centers for newlyweds and excursions. This beach is undoubtedly the most famous and lively of Mahé, the main island. It is a beautiful, long beach lined by tall foliage that offers plenty of natural shade.It has wonderful white sand perfect for relaxing, and its waters are perfect for swimming and water sports. The surrounding area of the beach has many hotels, bars, and restaurants. This lively beach is a favorite of both locals and tourists, who go there to enjoy a relaxing day by the sea or to watch the sunset. Every Wednesday there is usually a small market by the beach where people come to buy and sell while having fun.

5. Vallée de Mai (Praslin):

Vallee de Mai is also Known as the Garden of Eden, the Vallée de Mai is a protected natural park and UNESCO World Heritage site. The Garden of Eden is located on the island of Praslin. This park’s ancient palm forest has remained largely unchanged since prehistoric times, which earns it the name “The Garden of Eden. Hiking paths with varying difficulty wind through the Vallée de Mai. On your way to Vallee de Mai you’ll see different varieties of rare birds, animals, and various native plants, including the famous palm of Coco de Mer which is the largest nut in the world. A visit to this tourist attraction will send you back to prehistoric times where nature dominants.

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Which is the largest island in Seychelles?

Mahe is the largest island in Seychelles, the Island  is home to Victoria, the capital of Seychelles, and where the  International airport is located.  Making it the starting point of all trips to Seychelles. It is home for some of the world’s best beaches. It is famous as a honeymoon destination and attracts visitors from across the world.

Aside, from these beautiful beaches Mahe is endow with,Mahe has its share of coconut plantations, waterfalls, hiking trails, freshwater springs, dense forests and great resorts for tourists. Visitors would always have a lot to reminisce about after their visit to Mahe.

Does Seychelles require a visa For Entry?

Seychelles does not require a visa for entry. It is a visa-free country this is because Seychelles has signed a universal unilateral visa waiver. As a result, any foreign nationals who visit Seychelles are granted visa-free access. They are not required to obtain a Seychelles Visa. What is required of any traveler is the  Visitor’s Permit obtained on arrival. According to the Seychelles Visa Policy, a Seychelles Visitors Permit upon Arrival is issued free of charge and is valid for up to 3 months. It can however be extended after three months of stay in the country.

What are the Requirements to obtain a Seychelles visitor’s permit?

To obtain a Seychelles visitor permit, some certain requirements and procedures need to be met before you can gain entry into a beautiful country such as Seychelles. Below are the important requirements you should take note of:

  • The traveler must own a valid return or onward ticket.
  • The traveler must provide proof of residence in the country, or a letter of invitation if staying with friends or relatives.
  • Verified bank statement to ensure he or she has enough funds for the duration of stay. Financial resources are allowed to be carried in cash, travel vouchers, or credit cards.

When the above documents are presented and verified by the authorities, the visitors will be granted a visitor permit upon entry.

To get your visitor’s permit, you do not need an application form or request to be made in advance.

This permit is usually valid for 30 days.

If a traveler wishes to stay more than 30 days, the duration of stay can be extended in installments of 3 months up to one year, as long as the requirements, conditions, and other documents are properly executed.

An immigration form will be handed out by the flight crew to the travelers shortly before landing. Travelers should complete it and hand it over at the time of entry.

Things you can buy during your visit to Seychelles:

1. Coco de Mer:

Coco de mer is one of the biggest nuts in the world and indeed a hard nut to crack, especially if you are planning to crack international laws. It is so rare that, if you are caught with it without a license, you will be stopped at the airport and land up in prison.

One can buy coco de mer at any of the souvenir shops on Mahe and Praslin. Check out La Vallée De Mai Boutique, Vallée de Mai, Praslin, Inner Islands, Seychelles.

2. Yi-king Essential oil:

Native to the soil of Seychelles the essential oils are made out of the finest of ingredients from Seychelles, Yi-King got its name from the French aromatherapist on Mahe Island who opened the shop.

The Yi-King Essential Oils Seychelles is exclusive to every buyer. Each potion is derived from exclusive oil blends based on the user’s date of birth. This oil is available in Yi-King, Victoria, and Mahe Island.

3. Art pieces:

You can buy any of the art pieces you admire in Seychelles. You will find the beach studio of Barbara Jenson where the British painter resides and creates some of the most beautiful pieces of art.

To purchase these art pieces, you can check out the beach of La Digue, Inner Islands, or Kenwyn House, Victoria, Mahe Island, Seychelles.

As one who is planning a tourist trip or a honeymoon getaway with your spouse, let Seychelles be on your top priority list as you can have so much fun there as you also learn about other’s culture. We hope this helps you.

About admin

SYLVESTER AUGUSTUS, A content Writer with B. ENG in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. An Athlete, an Organist and a Tutor from Akwa Ibom State, NIGERIA CONTACT: [email protected]

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