Best places to visit in Norway | Tourist Attraction Centers

Are you ready to explore one of the happiest countries in the world? Norway, with its stunning fjords, majestic mountains, and vibrant culture, is a must-visit destination for any traveler. From the charming capital city of Oslo to the breathtaking Lofoten Islands, Norway offers a wealth of exciting experiences for adventure-seekers, foodies, and culture enthusiasts alike.

As a traveler, you’re likely eager to discover the best places to visit in Norway, from the famous Northern Lights to the picturesque villages and historic landmarks. This article is your ultimate guide to exploring this incredible country.

With the goal of making your vacation unforgettable, we’ll guide you through all of Norway’s must-see landmarks, mouthwatering food, cozy lodgings, and helpful tips. Norway has something to offer everyone, regardless of their interests—foodies, history buffs, or lovers of the great outdoors.

Why Norway is a Must-Visit Destination

Norway is a must-visit destination for several reasons:

  1. Happiest Place on Earth: Norway was voted the happiest country in the world in 2017, judged on factors including caring, freedom, generosity, honesty, health, income, and good governance.
  2. Low Crime Rates: The crime rates in Norway are incredibly low, making it a safe country to live and travel in.
  3. Freedom to Roam: The allemannsrett or “all men’s rights” is a public rights law that allows everyone to have access to and pass through all uncultivated land.
  4. Beautiful Fjords: There are fjords everywhere in Norway, created when the ice from the last Ice Age cut through the tall mountains.
  5. Long Days or Short Days: During the summer, the sun hardly sets in Norway. At the height of winter, the days are very short and there is little or no natural daylight.
  6. Northern Lights: The Northern Lights are a fantastic phenomenon, and one of the best places to see them is Norway.
  7. Majestic Mountains: Norway is home to some of the most beautiful mountains in the world.
  8. Outdoor Adventures: Norway offers endless opportunities for outdoor adventures.
  9. Viking Heritage: Norway captivates travelers with its historical past, shrouded in myths about brave Vikings.
  10. Top-Class Seafood: Norwegian cuisine is a joy for fish gourmets

List of the best places to visit in Norway

here are some of the best places to visit in Norway:

  1. Oslo: The capital city of Norway, Oslo, is a vibrant city with a mix of modern and traditional attractions
  2. Tromsø: Known as the capital of the Arctic, Tromsø is one of the best places to see the Northern Lights
  3. Lofoten Islands: Famous for its majestic peaks and beautiful beaches
  4. Bergen: A historic city with UNESCO World Heritage sites
  5. Henningsvær: A charming fishing village in the Lofoten Islands
  6. Trollfjord: Offers a narrow fjord adventure
  7. Svalbard: Remote Arctic islands known for their unique wildlife
  8. Geirangerfjord: Known as the fjord of waterfalls
  9. Galdhøpiggen: Norway’s highest peak
  10. Atlantic Ocean Road: A coastal engineering marvel
  11. Ålesund: An art nouveau city
  12. Pulpit Rock: Offers a clifftop hike reward
  13. Gamle Stavanger: Old town charm
  14. Trolltunga: The Troll’s Tongue, a popular hiking spot
  15. Briksdalsbreen: An ice age remnant
  16. Flåm Line: World’s most beautiful trainAkershus Fortress: A medieval castle and museum
  17. Nidaros Cathedral: A gothic cathedral and shrine
  18. Røros: A historic mining town
  19. Heddal Stave Church: The largest stave church

Local Cuisine and Food Culture

Norwegian cuisine is a delightful blend of tradition, innovation, and a deep respect for nature. Here are some highlights:

  1. Seafood: Norway is known for its cold, clean waters, which provide the perfect habitat for countless species of fish, clams, and shellfish. The nation’s seafood, particularly salmon and klippfisk, holds a revered spot in global gastronomy. Let’s not forget the king of Norwegian seafood — the king crab.
  2. Game: A lot of wonderful food also comes from the forests and the mountains. From moose to reindeer and deer – Norwegian game is world-class. Autumn is hunting season in Norway, when game is served in both restaurants and Norwegian homes.
  3. Traditional Dishes: Some traditional dishes you should try include Fårikål (a hearty stew), Sursild (Pickled Herring), Finnbiff (sauteed reindeer meat), Kjøttkaker (meat cakes), and Smalahove (Sheep’s head).
  4. Cheese: The most popular type of brown cheese in Norway is the Gudbrandsdalsost. It’s also known as Mysost and it’s typically eaten on sandwiches or crispbread.
  5. Innovation: Norway is the most-awarded country in Bocuse d´Or, one of the world’s most prestigious culinary competitions. This speaks to the innovative and internationally renowned chefs in the country.
  6. Preservation: Since the seasons are short and hectic, Norwegian food often involves preserved food.

Accommodation Options

Norway offers a variety of accommodation options to suit different needs and preferences. Here are some of the most common types:

  1. Apartments (Leilighet): These are the most prevalent housing options, especially in urban centers like Oslo, Bergen, and Trondheim. Apartments can range from small studio units to expansive multi-bedroom spaces.
  2. Detached Houses (Enebolig): These are standalone houses, often with their own garden or yard space. They are predominantly found in suburban areas or more rural settings.
  3. Semi-detached Houses (Rekkehus): These are houses that share one or more walls with adjacent properties. They combine some of the privacy and space of detached houses with the community feel of apartment complexes.
  4. Student Accommodations: Tailored for students, these can vary in form. They might be dormitories provided by educational institutions, private student housing blocks, or shared flats where students rent individual rooms.
  5. Shared Housing (Bofellesskap): This option involves multiple individuals, often unrelated, sharing a single living space. Each person usually has a private bedroom, with common areas like the kitchen, living room, and bathroom shared.

In addition to these, there are some specific hotels and locations that are popular among visitors:

  • Scandic Victoria Oslo: A 4-star hotel located adjacent to the water, close to Nordre Gate, and features a breakfast delivery each morning.
  • Hotel Bristol: A 4-star hotel located in the heart of the city. It is home to a renowned restaurant and has safety deposit boxes for each guest.
  • Scandic Nidelven: A luxury hotel located right on the Nidelva River, just 5 minutes from Trondheim Central Station. It features a gym, an art gallery, and a great breakfast buffet

Emergency Contacts

In Norway, there are three primary emergency numbers that you should be aware of for immediate assistance:

  • 112: Police
  • 113: Medical (Ambulance)
  • 110: Fire

For non-emergency situations, you can contact the police central switchboard on 02800.

Here are some important locations and their contact numbers in Oslo, Norway:

Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet

  • Address: Sognsvannsveien 9, Oslo, Oslo, 0372
  • Phone Number: 02770

Grønland Politistasjon

  • Address: Grønlandsleiret 44, 0190 Oslo
  • Phone Number: 22 66 90 50

Volvat Medical Center

  • Address: BORGENVEIEN 2A, 0370 Oslo
  • Phone Number: 22 95 75 00

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Money-Saving Tips

Traveling in Norway can be expensive, but with some careful planning and insider tips, you can make the most of your trip without breaking the bank. Here are some money-saving tips for traveling in Norway:

  1. Use Public Transportation: Instead of taking a taxi, use public transportation. It’s efficient and much cheaper.
  2. Self-Catering: Instead of eating out for every meal, consider buying groceries and preparing your own meals.
  3. Buy Alcohol at the Airport: Alcohol is expensive in Norway due to high taxes. Consider buying alcohol at the duty-free shop at the airport when you arrive.
  4. Free Outdoor Activities: Norwegians love nature, and there are a lot of free outdoor activities that can fill your days without emptying your wallet.
  5. Stay Outside the City Center: Accommodation in the city center tends to be more expensive. Consider staying a bit outside the city center to save money.
  6. Discount Attraction Pass: If you plan to visit many attractions, consider buying a discount attraction pass.
  7. Bring a Water Bottle: Tap water in Norway is clean and safe to drink. Instead of buying bottled water, bring a refillable water bottle.
  8. Book an Overnight Train Trip: Instead of renting a hotel room, try and book an overnight train trip.

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