Best places to visit in Congo | Tourist Attraction Centers

Are you ready to explore one of Africa’s most vibrant and diverse countries? The Congo, with its rich cultural heritage, stunning natural beauty, and warm hospitality, is a destination that will leave you in awe. From the majestic Virunga National Park to the scenic Lake Kivu, and from the vibrant city of Kinshasa to the charming town of Bukavu, the Congo has something for every kind of traveler.

In this article, we’ll take you on a journey to the top 20 tourist attraction centers in the Congo, showcasing the best places to visit, things to do, and experiences to enjoy. Whether you’re a nature lover, an adventure seeker, or a culture enthusiast, the Congo has plenty to offer. Get ready to discover the beauty, warmth, and excitement of this incredible country!

We cover some essential tips and information to help you plan your trip to the Congo. From safety precautions to local customs, and from transportation to food. So, let’s get started and explore the best places to visit in the Congo!

Top 20 Tourist Attraction Centers in the Congo

Here is a list of the top 20 tourist attraction centers in the Congo:

  1. Virunga National Park – home to gorillas, chimpanzees, and okapi
  2. Congo River – the second-longest river in Africa
  3. Kinshasa – the capital city, known for its vibrant music and art scene
  4. Garamba National Park – a UNESCO World Heritage Site and home to elephants, giraffes, and lions
  5. Kahuzi-Biéga National Park – home to lowland gorillas and other primates
  6. Okapi Wildlife Reserve – a UNESCO World Heritage Site and home to okapi, giraffes, and elephants
  7. Salonga National Park – the largest national park in the Congo, home to bonobos, elephants, and crocodiles
  8. Nyiragongo Volcano – an active volcano with stunning views
  9. Lake Kivu – a beautiful lake with scenic views and water sport
  10. Bukavu – a charming town on the shores of Lake Kivu
  11. Goma – a city on the shores of Lake Kivu, known for its vibrant markets and cuisine
  12. Kisangani – a city on the Congo River, known for its colonial architecture and lively markets
  13. Lubumbashi – a city in the southeast, known for its mining industry and cultural attractions
  14. Kolwezi – a city in the southwest, known for its mining industry and natural beauty
  15. Matadi – a port city on the Congo River, known for its colonial architecture and vibrant markets
  16. Muanda – a coastal town on the Atlantic Ocean, known for its beautiful beaches and seafood
  17. Kinkole – a fishing village on the Congo River, known for its traditional culture and beautiful views
  18. Mangroves of Muanda – a mangrove forest with diverse wildlife and ecosystem
  19. Bonobo Sanctuary – a rescue center for bonobos, located in Kinshasa
  20. Lola ya Bonobo – a sanctuary for orphaned bonobos, located in Kinshasa

Safety tips for travelers visiting the Congo

When visiting the Congo, it’s important to be mindful of health and safety. Here are some tips to help ensure a safer trip:

1. Health Precautions:

  • Vaccinations: Make sure you’re up-to-date on routine vaccines and consider getting vaccinated for diseases like cholera, especially if traveling to areas with active transmission
  • COVID-19: Stay updated with your COVID-19 vaccinations.

2. Safety Measures:

  • Avoid large crowds and demonstrations: These can be unpredictable and turn unsafe.
  • Vary your routines: Don’t be predictable in your daily activities to reduce risks.
  • Solo Travel: Exercise caution when walking alone, especially at night.
  • Valuables: Do not carry credit cards, driver’s licenses, or other important documents around town unnecessarily. Always carry some form of identification.

3. Local Customs:

  • Be respectful of local customs and aware that verbal harassment can occur in some neighborhoods.
  • For LGBTQ+ travelers, it’s advisable to keep public displays of affection to a minimum due to potential discrimination.

4. Transport:

  • Roads in Brazzaville are relatively well-maintained but travel south from the capital by road or train is not recommended for safety concerns.

Is Congo tourist-friendly?

The Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) offer different experiences for tourists, and it’s important to distinguish between the two:

Republic of Congo:

  • Generally considered safe for tourists
  • Petty crime can occur, especially on beaches.
  • Vibrant cities and tranquil nature reserves are among the attractions.
  • Tourists are advised to be cautious and respect local cultures and traditions.

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC):

  • Travel is advised against in certain areas due to crime, civil unrest, and kidnapping.
  • Violent crimes such as armed robbery and assault are common.
  • There are risks in rural areas and limited transport and accommodation outside major towns.
  • Tourists should have a contingency plan for emergencies and travel with experienced guides or organizations.

For both countries, it’s essential to check the latest travel advisories and understand the visa requirements before planning your trip. For the Republic of Congo, a visa must be obtained before arrival, and proof of yellow fever vaccination is required. Cultural sensitivity is also important; for example, taking photos of people without consent is discouraged

How expensive is Congo?

The cost of living in the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) can vary significantly depending on the location and lifestyle. Here’s a summary of the costs:

Republic of Congo:

  • Family of four estimated monthly costs: 3,390,833 Franc.
  • Single person estimated monthly costs: 1,611,378 Franc.
  • Daily budget for a backpacker: from 69.55 USD to 82.88 USD.
  • Higher standard daily budget: from 97.59 USD to 126 USD.

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC):

  • Cost of living: 941 USD per month, which is less expensive than the world average.
  • Average salary after taxes: 906 USD, which can cover living expenses for 1 month.


What do they eat in Congo?

In both the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the cuisine is rich and diverse, reflecting the various cultures and natural resources of the region. Here are some traditional foods commonly enjoyed:

  1. Liboke: A dish where fish is seasoned with tomato, salt, and chili, then wrapped in banana leaves and grilled.
  2. Pondu: A popular dish made from cassava leaves, cooked with water and a pinch of salt, or with added oil, spices, onions, eggplants, and scallions. It can be accompanied by rice, fufu, or plantains.
  3. Fufu: A staple food made from cassava or corn flour, often served with stews, soups, and vegetables.
  4. Rice, cassava, legumes, plantains: These are common staples across the countries, with variations in preparation based on the region.
  5. Fish: Widely consumed, especially from the Congo River and its tributaries, prepared in various ways such as baked, boiled, fried, smoked, or salted.

Meals are traditionally served family-style, with everyone sharing from a communal plate or bowl. The use of palm oil, peanut butter, and coconut milk is frequent, adding flavor and richness to dishes. The food habits often link to the region of origin, with fish being a staple for those living on the rivers, meat-heavy dishes in tropical savannah regions, and primarily vegetarian food in wooden tropical areas.

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